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Can Plastic Surgery Help You Start Your Retirement Off Right?

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If you’re ready to retire, your future may include travel, volunteering, or having some of the experiences you may not have had time for before. 

Middle aged couple sitting on a couch.

There are many ways to take advantage of this stage of life, and one of these is considering cosmetic surgery to address age-related cosmetic concerns. Mature adults are retaining their vitality and joie de vivre longer than ever before. 

So, why not let your outer appearance match the inner vigor you feel? This might be the perfect time to turn back the clock and enjoy the benefits plastic surgery has to offer. 

Top Three Cosmetic Surgeries for Mature Adults

The following facial procedures top the list of plastic surgeries for individuals at retirement age: 

*Always consult with a reputable board-certified plastic surgeon.

Facelift Surgery (Facial Rejuvenation)

Wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin are the hallmarks of facial aging. 

Facelift surgery (particularly when combined with neck lift techniques) addresses the mid-to-lower face and neck to tighten skin and smooth out wrinkles while recontouring underlying tissues.

This procedure is performed under general anesthesia and is designed to eliminate or reduce loose skin, sagging cheeks, marionette lines, and fatty deposits in the lower face.

Reputable facelift surgeons use advanced techniques to offer natural results that don’t appear artificial or overdone.

Eyelid Surgery 

If you were always told you had beautiful eyes, you might have concerns about one of the earliest signs of aging: droopy eyelids. Loose or wrinkled upper eyelids and under-eye bags can detract from even the prettiest eyes. 

On top of that, these changes around the eyes can also cause us to look unhappy or tired. Fortunately, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) can effectively treat these changes by delivering results that make you look more alert and engaged.

This procedure is performed under general anesthesia and involves tightening skin and manipulating tissue in the upper and/or lower eyelids:

  • Upper Eyelid Surgery

Small incisions are discreetly made within the eyelid’s natural creases. This procedure may include redistributing fat deposits, tightening the eyelid tissue, and removing excess skin.

  • Lower Eyelid Surgery

Small incisions are made under the lower lash line to address excess skin and fat. 

Brow Lift Surgery (Forehead Lift)

The forehead is another area that can age quickly. Signs can develop as deep lines and wrinkles across the forehead as well as sagging eyebrows, frown lines, or the appearance of a furrowed or angry-looking brow.

A discreet incision is made within the hair above the forehead. This allows the surgeon to release the lines between the brows, raise the eyebrows to a more naturally-appealing position, and trim excess skin at the hairline (in some instances). 

Beyond Beauty

There’s more to plastic surgery than just looking better and increasing your confidence; it can actually improve your ability to interact socially.

Your face communicates with more than just your mouth and ears. Facial expressions can reveal even more, and several age-related cosmetic concerns can interfere with the common expressions we use in non-verbal language. For example, a furrowed brow may erroneously convey concern or anger, and droopy eyes may contribute to a tired or uninterested appearance.

Cosmetic Surgery Concerns for Seniors

If you’re worried that being at an older age puts you at a higher risk of complications from cosmetic surgery, a recent study showed “no substantial difference between the outcome of plastic surgeries for people over and under 65.” 

The study also reported that older study participants were less likely to smoke and more likely to be at a healthy weight than the younger ones.

“Statistically, fewer than 2% of individuals over 65 experience postoperative complications.”

While this study shows promising statistics, it is still important to be in good overall health before considering any cosmetic plastic surgery procedure.

If you’ve had problems with wound healing, hematoma, or infection. Alert the surgeon so they can better assess your risks and implement the proper precautions.

Board-Certified, Top Plastic Surgeon in Las Vegas, NV

Dr. Alexander has the expertise necessary to deliver outstanding cosmetic surgery results in Las Vegas, Nevada, for his patients of all ages while prioritizing health and safety.

Schedule your consultation today by calling us at (702) 242-6776!

Dr. Alexander's Office

A top Plastic Surgeon, Dr. George Alexander, serving more happy patients in Las Vegas, the United States and Internationally.

Dr. Alexander & Co

1725 Village Center Circle, Suite 150
Las Vegas, Nevada USA | (702) 242-6776

"Dr. Alexander and his staff are all accommodating and friendly. Dr. Alexander takes time to really address your concerns and questions. He is an awesome doctor. We highly recommend him to anyone in need of cosmetic surgery.” five star rating

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