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Breast Augmentation Recovery Timeline

After you have scheduled breast augmentation with Las Vegas Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Alexander, you will be assigned a specific pre-operative appointment to review pre and post-operative care instructions. At your pre-operative appointment our nursing staff will review recommendations that will prepare you for a smooth recovery. Below is a timeline that lists some of the general things to expect before and after surgery.

1-2 Weeks BEFORE Surgery: It is very important to let Dr. Alexander know of any medications that you may be taking. Several herbal supplements, over the counter and prescription medicines contain ingredients that may increase some surgical risks. Depending on the type of medicine and your ordering doctor’s judgment, you may be advised to discontinue some of the medications that you may be taking. If you are a smoker, now is the time to quit! Minimizing your cigarette intake can improve surgical healing and outcome tremendously!

Week 1-2: Try to plan on spending the first 7 days at home as the first week of healing is the most significant! While discomfort level varies from patient to patient, most can expect to feel some tenderness, fatigue, muscle tightness and small amounts swelling. Minimizing arm activity, placing a light cold compress to the area, and sleeping at a 45 degree angle will help reduce some of the post op soreness.

Week 3-4: Patients tend to look and feel “more normal” at this point after breast surgery. Keep reminding yourself that even though you may feel good, you are still not healed! Although you can start to resume light work duties or daily activities, you will still have some restrictions. Breast massage techniques may be introduced around this time.

Week 5-6: With normal healing and upon examination, your incision and tissues are strong! Now is the time to advance to an unrestricted activity level. Most women notice that their stamina is not what it was prior to surgery and it may take a few weeks easing into your normal routines. Anytime after 6 weeks you can go bra shopping! Have fun! 🙂

Dr. Alexander's Office

A top Plastic Surgeon, Dr. George Alexander, serving more happy patients in Las Vegas, the United States and Internationally.

Dr. Alexander & Co

1725 Village Center Circle, Suite 150
Las Vegas, Nevada USA | (702) 242-6776

"Dr. Alexander and his staff are all accommodating and friendly. Dr. Alexander takes time to really address your concerns and questions. He is an awesome doctor. We highly recommend him to anyone in need of cosmetic surgery.” five star rating

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