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How can I prevent Gynecomastia?


Gynecomastia is the medical term for over-development of breast tissue or fat in males. The cause for this condition is usually a result of a hormonal imbalance caused by medications, medical conditions, weight fluctuations, or just unlucky genetics.  This situation is often unfavorable physically and emotionally, and although genetics are inevitable, there are still many things men can do to prevent gynecomastia.

To be proactive with gynecomastia and all medical conditions, it is best to see a physician at least once a year for annual checkups. You should have an opportunity to discuss any changes in your health or body that may be out of the ordinary at your appointment. Male patients who have noticed a gradual increase in breast size may need additional blood tests to check for hormonal fluctuations. Trying to pin point a cause may help with treatment if needed in the future.

Maintaining a healthy weight range can also greatly improve your odds of not having gynecomastia. Medical studies have demonstrated that overweight males are at a higher risk of developing large “female-like” breasts. A balanced diet and exercise at least for 30 minutes 3-5 days a week not only helps avoid gynecomastia, but also helps improve your overall heart health and life.

The link between gynecomastia and illegal drugs such as marijuana and anabolic steroids has been well-documented. Specifcally for steroids, the body senses the presence of too much testosterone or an artificial, testosterone-like substance, it tries to reduce the level by a process called “aromitization.” The process converts the testosterone to estradiol, an estrogen-like substance that enlarges the breasts. This type of gynecomastia is usually the hardest to treat due to the fiburous and thick tissue it cultivates. Most often these products leave that off of their “fine print” on the bottle. Most men who take steroids do so to improve their body, but developing gynecomstia is just the opposite. To prevent gynecomastia it will be important to avoid these substances at all costs!

If these recommendations came too late, any man who feels uncomfortable with his large breast size can find relief in Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Alexander’s male breast reduction procedures. Based on what the patient is a candidate for, he offers two types of procedures which removes tissue and/or fat from the breasts to create a contoured chest that is more firm and desirable.

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A top Plastic Surgeon, Dr. George Alexander, serving more happy patients in Las Vegas, the United States and Internationally.

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Las Vegas, Nevada USA | (702) 242-6776

"Dr. Alexander and his staff are all accommodating and friendly. Dr. Alexander takes time to really address your concerns and questions. He is an awesome doctor. We highly recommend him to anyone in need of cosmetic surgery.” five star rating

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