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Understanding Breast Implant Options – Low, Moderate & High Profile Implants

There are many breast implant options such as style, type, texture, and size to chose from when considering breast augmentation. When researching online, the type of implant option mentioned the least is the implant profile. The profile is what determines how far the implant projects from your chest wall. Selecting a profile can be complicated as it not only based on your desired look but also the size of your current breasts and your overall body shape. At your consultation appointment, Dr. Alexander will be able to take measurements and make specific recommendations as to which profile is right for you.

There are four implant profile types: low, moderate, moderate plus and high profile. Below is a short description of the profiles.

Low Profile Implants: Low profile implants project the least amount. This type of profile is least often used in Dr. Alexander’s practice.

Moderate Profile Implants: The moderate profile implants usually have a wider base with a less projection when compared to the high profile implants. This implant is commonly used on a patient with a wider chest frame or is looking to fill up the breast envelope and achieve more upper pole fullness.

Moderate Plus Profile Implants: The moderate plus profile offers more forward projection than the moderate profile, but less projection than high profile implants.

High Profile Implants: High profile implants offer the most forward projection out of all of the profile types. High profile breast implants are typically recommended to women who have narrow chests. As an added benefit, high profile implants are the least prone to rippling. However, this would not be the only reason to select this implant

Advances in breast implant products allow plastic surgeons to choose the implant size and projection that will best suit the patient’s body type and provide the most natural looking result. If you are interested in breast augmentation, contact Las Vegas board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Alexander. They will help you determine which profile is right for you as well as explain the other implant options available.

Dr. Alexander's Office

A top Plastic Surgeon, Dr. George Alexander, serving more happy patients in Las Vegas, the United States and Internationally.

Dr. Alexander & Co

1725 Village Center Circle, Suite 150
Las Vegas, Nevada USA | (702) 242-6776

"Dr. Alexander and his staff are all accommodating and friendly. Dr. Alexander takes time to really address your concerns and questions. He is an awesome doctor. We highly recommend him to anyone in need of cosmetic surgery.” five star rating

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